Monday, April 9, 2018

Whoa...(cough) Lotta cobwebs up in here!Time to wake this baby up. This space means a lot to me so I'm not changing a single thing. Just picking up where I left off...4 years later. Stay tuned, beautiful people! The Lynn Diaries beyourownmuse

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Holding My Ground

As I lie here in bed, tired but restless, something occurs to me. It's been a very long day full of writing, editing, photographing, researching, building and reading. Like most days, I dedicate 100% of my time to creative endeavors. I barely work a regular job, as it doesn't make sense to be there when I could be doing this. I pour my heart and soul out with utmost vulnerability...I bare it all. No shame, no fear. Because it's who I am. But, guess what? Nobody really gives a lovely motherfuck, alright? Forget support. You'll get support AFTER you make something of yourself, not a minute sooner. Nobody is going to understand what your deal is so just accept it, and continue with what you're doing. I often stop and realize that nothing in a regular work day could ever
come close to fulfilling me the way my be_yourownmuse projects do. Do I cave and conform...or do I stick with this and give it all I've got? It's not even negotiable. I have a vision...and that vision IS manifesting. So, you wanna know what the actual bottom line is right now? THIS ONLY NEEDS TO MAKE SENSE TO ME.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Say A Prayer For The Pretender

I found this a couple weeks ago. It really got me, and I've been thinking about it a lot. Strange, how the older you get, the more you think about these things. I feel like I've had twenty different lives. I just look back in admiration at where I've been and the people I've known. Just seems so far removed from where I am today. Different times...the "Good old days", if you will. Although, in ten years THESE will be the "Good old days". Tonight I've listened to every song I could get my hands on that Jackson Browne ever wrote. The man has soul. And, like me, he didn't have it figured out either. Maybe still doesn't, and that's OK. Gives me a little more confidence, a little more edge, a little more will to keep trying. Nobody has it figured out, anyway, do they? We're all just trying to find that one thing that makes us complete, makes us feel alive. Many give up. But many more make it. Your dreams are real, but people will shoot 'em down. Fast. You'll want to run in a corner and hide, cry, punch something. And you probably will. But don't you EVER give up on your dreams...

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Comforts Of August

Sounds of summer
Buzzing all around me.
Sun rays beaming through the trees.
Doves coo high in the sky,
While a bumble bee zips by to say hi.
Warm sun on my shoulders,
Sitting in a field of clover...
And ducks in the creek swim by.
The comforts of August...

~Lynn M. Roberts


Picnic On The Moon

I have all day free,
Won't you come with me?
I know a place 
With a very nice view, 
Would you be in the mood
For a picnic on the moon?
Where the stars twinkle 'round us
All afternoon?
Then we'll play on the other side,
The side you can't see
Where there's beautiful flowers,
And rivers and trees.
We can go on Halloween
And stay there 'till June.
The witches fly at night 
We'll hitch a ride on a broom.
Or go to the Zoo...
And borrow a Kangaroo...
Climb in her pouch...
Hop cloud to cloud...
Then catch a ride on a shooting star...
It wouldn't take long,
It's not really far.
But maybe we'll just take 
A hot air balloon.
It doesn't matter how we get there,
But we must do it soon.
So, bring the picnic basket
With sandwiches and macaroons...pack the camera too!
'Cause you're gonna see the most beautiful view...
Peaceful and quiet, 
And a pretty color blue

~Lynn M. Roberts

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

In Case You Were Wondering

This story is about life. Learning from people. Learning to love them even if they are a pain in the ass, miserable, trouble making humans. Learning to be happy all on your own even if you're broke and have bills coming out of your ass and have no idea how you will pay them. Learning that you don't have to be a slave to society and be perfect. Learning it's OK not to have your shit together. Learning that the only person you have to take care of is you, and maybe your children for a little while. Learning that catering to everyone's needs and neglecting your own is the highest form of slavery. Learning that facing your fears and loving yourself and others unconditionally is empowering. Learning that if you are an angry broke human you will most likely still be angry if you land some cash. You'll just be a bigger asshole with money. Take time to appreciate the little things in life. Slow down and stop rushing around for every needy person. Make them do their own damn laundry. Enough of the crap that you have to be there for everybody. Show love but let them sort out their own problems. And lastly, take a day off just to get a massage. Your bills will still be there when you get back, don't bid them adieu on your way out the door.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Light Through The Cracks

Perhaps the experience is all to inviting.
I look out at the sky and see every day as perfection.
I stimulate my mind in a park on the grass.
Birds fly.
The aroma of a nearby barbecue.
I look to the sky for answers,
And a new wish is made.
The mold is clearing,
It feels like home now.
The sun is shining and smiling on me...
I am out of the cave...
...and sharing my soul

Lynn M. Roberts

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Up Before Dawn 1/21/2014

Mirrors on the wall
A misty haze and a
Shadow under the moonlight

Glancing at the pages in a mood
Unknown to me

Making promises to the heart,
Unnerving is the sound.
Traveling through my mind
At once I stop and stare.

The wind is so beautiful
Making the trees dance.
Closing my eyes, I feel
The warmth against my skin

Going deep into the soul of my being
To gather what I know to be.
The feeling of love
Acting out in generous bliss

The making of a day to which
I know is a miracle
And we end our day with a kiss

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Morning Butterfly

Butterfly on the branch
Morning says hello
With dew drop kisses

                                                                      Butterfly in the morning air
                                                                      Dew drops...
                                                                      And the sunshine says hello

The graceful butterfly
And the misty morning dew drops
Both greet the sun with a smile                                        

                                                                                           Butterfly dances
                                                                                           Under the smiling sun
                                                                                           And the grass gets dew drop kisses

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

2014 haiga

A moment in time
Lost in the clouds
As I swim in the depths
Of my mind
I make passion my friend
As I walk with...

Poetry by Lynn M. Roberts
Painting by Roberts Dowling Jr

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Photos and paintings have been inspiring my poetry lately...but this time, it's music. Not just any music, either, this is amazing...and the video says so much.

~~~~Fall away the path of fury,
Serenity reflecting the world around me.
Walking a trail, seems I've been here before;
Long forgotten faces pair memories and the bravery it took to love.
Throwing my weary mind to the depths of the unknown,
Fitting the times in pure inner beauty...
For, it's nobility that makes the best music.
To humble my heart on a whim and a kiss,
It's is your very heart that made my soul come alive...


Friday, April 4, 2014

Green Journal Musings 9/22/13

I'm Slowly deepening into an abyss of love.
The reigns pulling me under in an
overwhelming and wonderful feeling of bliss.
Shadows fall at the wayside disappearing
one by one making it easy to smile.
An ever so frequent wave of inspiration,
grounding and soaring at the same time.
So beautiful it takes a moment to catch my breath.
Streaming in so fast and powerful.

Here it is...The beginning...

*The love I'm referring to in this piece is self love. Loving and appreciating myself has been a life long struggle. When I finally started feeling love for myself, it was very overwhelming. I appreciated everything I was, everything I had been, all of my mistakes, failures, decisions...I loved it all. It was a humble and quiet feeling. Just knowing I made a turn for the better emotionally. It brought me to a place of gratitude that I had never experienced before. I'll never forget it.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Little White Gardenia

Beyond the trees,
There are clouds filled with rain.
Walking through the mud...
I see a little white gardenia.
All alone.
I stop and stare
At the beauty standing there
Like a soft comforting smile
From a dear old friend.
How did it know to show?
How did it know I needed a friend?
The two of us
Who were once alone,
Now stand together
In the rain.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Memoirs...It's All In The Wonders Of The Morning

Happiness surrounds me to the core of my existence. Beaming rays of light enter my body from off in the distance. Desertion of anguish from off into the unknown. Traveling onward to see a miracle born. Making it's way to a feeling in a moment alone. Far beyond the whispers of the soul, it makes an unnerving retreat to the seas before me. The shallows disappear and love walks in the door, just as it once did all those other times before. The fears are long gone. The anger is buried. Love now consumes me to a typical state of well being. The thoughts are comforting, pleasing. Love me forever, sweet's all in the wonders of the morning.


A Page From The Green Journal

Beauty within my soul
Never before seen
Never before felt.
The divine within comforts me
Like a mother and guides me
To a love beyond words.
The earth and the trees,
The sounds of spring and the breeze.
The only thing that makes sense now
Is slowing down and being at ease.
The only thing I will ever need...
Is this moment
Here and now
With me