Thursday, September 4, 2014

Say A Prayer For The Pretender

I found this a couple weeks ago. It really got me, and I've been thinking about it a lot. Strange, how the older you get, the more you think about these things. I feel like I've had twenty different lives. I just look back in admiration at where I've been and the people I've known. Just seems so far removed from where I am today. Different times...the "Good old days", if you will. Although, in ten years THESE will be the "Good old days". Tonight I've listened to every song I could get my hands on that Jackson Browne ever wrote. The man has soul. And, like me, he didn't have it figured out either. Maybe still doesn't, and that's OK. Gives me a little more confidence, a little more edge, a little more will to keep trying. Nobody has it figured out, anyway, do they? We're all just trying to find that one thing that makes us complete, makes us feel alive. Many give up. But many more make it. Your dreams are real, but people will shoot 'em down. Fast. You'll want to run in a corner and hide, cry, punch something. And you probably will. But don't you EVER give up on your dreams...


  1. Nice, I didn't know you kept a blog. This post reminds me of something I wrote a while back:

    I feel things, things that I shouldn't. Tinges of personality, a sparkle of soul unknown to me yet so familiar. Edges of memories that cannot be, yet somehow are. Thoughts, what are these thoughts that are not mine. Times, places, I have not lived, have not seen yet are strangely familiar, drawing from me foreign emotion. Connections..

  2. Hi Jeremy. Yeah, I'm trying to get back into it but I have so many exciting things going on that need tending to. Awesome literature and thank you for sharing. Also thank you for reading my bloo and sorry it took so long to respond!
