Friday, December 13, 2013

Liberated and loving it

Brain drainers who want to tap your ideas right down to the bottom of the keg should be put off...

Art is my life, my passion. I write and I paint. Explaining my ideas about how I will live a happy and peaceful, abundant life simply by being true to myself. You'd have thought I escaped from a mental institution...but, in fact, normal everyday cookie cutter life is the institution. And it's called the matrix... and I'm not going back.

What anybody thinks, is irrelevant. It's my journey...and an excellent time to just disappear for a while.

Friday, November 15, 2013

The change of seasons, the change in me

The meaning of life is just to be alive.....

It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve anything other than themselves.
                                                                                 -Alan Watts

I don't want an abundant bank account for the same reasons everyone else does. The ability to do what I need to do when I need to do it is what's important to me. Consumer slavery is unappealing to me. I wouldn't own one thing that wasn't a total necessity. It's how I live now. I think it would be rather liberating to have ten million dollars in the bank, and still shop at Goodwill :)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Religion is belief in someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having your own

Cleanse. If you love yourself, you feed your body healthy food each day, so the nutrition can protect you against dis-ease or hardship from illness. In the same way, you gotta keep up your spiritual strength and vitality by cleansing the mind, body and spirit of all crap the negative forces may have deposited upon you. My three day spiritual cleanse begins when I wake up tomorrow. It's kind of like a three day hibernation/meditation away from people, focussing and being totally in the moment. Television and and cell and long, goodbye. It's me, my books, lots of water and a vegetable diet, sage, candles and sound therapy. I want to learn to live in pure UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. I want my own connection. I know it takes effort to get to that place. Instead of reading about all of these prophets going off on their own for spiritual connection, it's time to have my own. It's only 3's a start...a different state of conciousness.

True religion is the life we lead, not the creed we profess ***

***(do you understand these words?)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

fall away

Spiders and flies, I bid you goodbye
Mold and dust, I've had enough
Ghost like neighbors, looming and gloomy..
I wish better days for these people
caught in this unhealthy environment.

I get to move on and out...
dishwashers and laundry, safe and serene...
I think I've become a pro at packing!!!
Tonight will be an all nighter... and apparently the more delirious I become, the less I rhyme.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

LOVE...In and of itself, is abundant

Plato said “Your wealth is where your friends are,” & true-er words were never spoken.
So to conclude, these things in life save my ass:
  • friends/loved ones
  • walking
  • music
  • water
  • singing
  • writing
  • walking (yes, I’m repeating myself)
  • reading
  • books
  • friends…

Friday, August 9, 2013

Feeling the peace...enjoying the happiness

Living compassionately for all living beings, one will have the following 11 benefits..

1. Having good sleep
2. No nightmares
3. Able to wake up well
4. Pleasing to humans
5. Pleasing to nonhumans(Including ghosts)
6. Having a pleasing face and a body
7. Protected by Gods
8. No harm by poison and fire
9. Concentrated mind
10. Die mindful
11. Will be born in world of Brahma (Luxurious than heaven)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Jesus was a hippy anyway

Why do most of the people who claim to be diehard Christians, who talk about god daily and go to church every Sunday are the most judgmental people I've met? I meet about one in ten of these people who seem to really know what Jesus was all about. The rest seem lost in their self biased views. They completely miss his message. They also seem to be on the greedy side. I see more and more of it all the time. The exact opposite of what is taught. Im not wanting extreme athiest rantings or extreme Christian rantings. Just want some comments using some common sense. Im not here to bash Christians, I just wish more people would walk the walk instead of just going to church...thinking if they go to church that's enough. Jesus' teachings are about kindness, harmony, non judgement and unconditional love. Which is actually what the Buddha teachings are about as well. Someone recently asked me why I'm studying Buddhism. The look on their face was one of disgust and anger...and guess what? They were Christian.

Jesus was a hippy anyway ;)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Pretender

It's something along the lines of solitude. I've dubbed it "Polarized"...yeah. I'm Polarized. I'm as happy as I could possibly be with being alone. I feel happy and complete in doing so. Hell, I'm making excuses to be alone. "I'm not feeling good..." It's hilarious. I feel amazing. I call it polarized because that's what people are probably thinking...'she's cold and distant lately'. I don't care. I say that to myself but it's not coming from a negative place. I know who I am and I know what I want, and it just so happens that social status or the status symbols that encompass social status are unimportant to me. The conversation traps that I find myself in. Pretending to be interested in what happened last night at the bar. Oh, wait a second this really happening? They're talking to me while their face is buried in their cell phone. Are they hearing me when I speak...are they appreciating the beautiful music playing during dinner...are they aware of the beautiful night...are they enjoying the flavor of the wine, the smell of their dinner? Why does it feel like they are all hanging out in the boat while I am swimming in the water? Do they see me as pretentious? Am I coming off a snob? I don't know. It's unintended. It's back to the basics...a time I was most happy. A freedom I don't see many people possessing. The simplicity of a night sky, beautiful music and a cup of tea. Is anyone using the most precious gifts they were given? Is anyone aware that they hold the key? I'll do what I do, be who I be, groove how I groove.........and let the rest of the world be who they are without judgement. Live and let live? Yeah...I can do that :)

Let's play pretend and smile...won't you join me in the masquerade?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Crazy Train

The only way to deal with people who make it a habit of spinning their wheels in endless negativity is to move on and to let go. You won’t change them or fix them. Remember that every person in history who achieved greatness had to deal with people that were negative and thought they were crazy. So if you’ve been accused of being less than normal lately, FUCK EM. You're on the right track ;)

[Drops mic.]
[Walks out.]

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Through The Glass Doors Of Perception

What’s the difference between settling for things and accepting the way things are? That's been the ever repeating question I keep asking myself. The answer finally came and it's actually quite simple. Faith. I feel when people "settle" for things, they truly believe they cannot do any better or feel they are not worthy of better. They stay in an unpleasant and unfulfilling situation out of fear of change, or the ever so obvious self esteem issues. Either way, there goes their life...
On the other end, there's "accepting the way things are" or smiling in the rain, weathering the storm...whatever analogy you choose, it all means the same thing. Faith. A person who accepts things as they are has faith. A positive and confident attitude of This Too Shall Pass and My Best Life Is Yet To Come, to smile through the pain makes every bit of difference in the long run. You can be a victim of your circumstance OR you can smile and have FAITH.  It's about your perception and the choice is always yours. It wont change by running from it either, it will follow you wherever you go. You have to look it dead in the eye and own it. Own your situation like you intended it to be this way. Then, and only then, can it change. Just keep smiling through it all, and never worry. You're not naive or blind because you're able to smile through the bullshit. You're actually the strongest and most wise, and you will laugh like the big belly buddha...because you have finally realized the Universe is yielding to you and as long as your mind is in sync with worthiness of good, you'll recieve good. It can also be the extreme polar the question is, What is your mind percieving. Are you a victim of circumstance or are you confident and worthy?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


So profound and beautiful

Soul On Fire

After somewhat of a chaotic struggle with reality yesterday, this came to me during my morning meditation:

Something extremely powerful is happening to you spiritually. Be with it. It will all settle, even the chaos. Take your time to be with it...marinade in it. Accept all of it.

Brings me peace ✿