Saturday, August 3, 2013

Jesus was a hippy anyway

Why do most of the people who claim to be diehard Christians, who talk about god daily and go to church every Sunday are the most judgmental people I've met? I meet about one in ten of these people who seem to really know what Jesus was all about. The rest seem lost in their self biased views. They completely miss his message. They also seem to be on the greedy side. I see more and more of it all the time. The exact opposite of what is taught. Im not wanting extreme athiest rantings or extreme Christian rantings. Just want some comments using some common sense. Im not here to bash Christians, I just wish more people would walk the walk instead of just going to church...thinking if they go to church that's enough. Jesus' teachings are about kindness, harmony, non judgement and unconditional love. Which is actually what the Buddha teachings are about as well. Someone recently asked me why I'm studying Buddhism. The look on their face was one of disgust and anger...and guess what? They were Christian.

Jesus was a hippy anyway ;)

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