Sunday, April 22, 2012

Every act of love sheds light on the world. Love most where it is most needed, beginning within

Starting with positive affirmations you can plant the seed. Sometimes hope is all you have. If you have it, you have everything...

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line. -Lucille Ball

It is the perfect beginning ♥ I love my life ♥ I am here to flow in the direction of MY desires, not someone elses ♥ I have an abundance of wealth flowing from multiple sources ♥ Positivity changes everything ♥ I am never to old to set another goal or dream a new dream ♥ I love my life. What I seek is seeking me ♥ I will observe situations without emotions. No need to get frustrated, it's not worth the stress ♥ I am loved ♥ I am grateful for all the people who love me ♥ I will look for joy in each day and I will find it ♥ I have an amazing and beautiful life ♥ I am grateful for all that is well in my world ♥ I live with an abundance of all that is good ♥ Only good lies before me ♥ I will laugh more, and lighten up ♥ I believe in myself ♥ Thoughts that feel good is where my power lies ♥ Gratitude is absolutly the way to bring more into my life ♥ What I think about, I bring about ♥ It is always worthwhile to make others aware of their worth ♥ Happier thoughts lead to happier bio-chemistry ♥ I declair richness and fullness in my life ♥ I will spend my life lifting people up, not putting them down ♥ Negative people will try to drag me down, I will love them but rise above them ♥ What I believe becomes true for me ♥ Life is divine chaos and I will embrace it ♥ The way I think creates reality for myself ♥ Be thankful for what you have and you will end up having more ♥ Happy thoughts = Happy molecules ♥ My gratitude = My happiness ♥ I can turn my negative thoughts around as soon as I have them ♥ I am in total acceptance of where I am right now. Only good lies before me ♥ I am here for a mighty purpose ♥ I have faith in the universe and in my future ♥ My opinions matter ♥ I will not take things too hard ♥ Happiness is my choice ♥ This is my life, this is my time ♥ I am happy, healthy and wealthy in every way ♥ I will be who I am deep in my soul and I will chip away my hard outter shell ♥ I will forgive myself for my faults and move on ♥ I deserve great things reguardless of my past mistakes ♥


I AM...

kind ☮ inspiring ☮ pretty ☮ generous ☮ happy ☮ free ☮ enthusiastic ☮ peaceful ☮ forgiving ☮ worldly ☮ understanding ☮ healthy

Positive affirmations, such as these, helped me sort out some personal struggles. The bottom line is...when you feel good, good things happen. Then life becomes way more fun than you ever expected.

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