Thursday, December 13, 2012

The mind of Sun smiles from the center

Today I was able to look DIRECTLY into the sun...without getting blinded. I didn't even have to squint. It was perfectly natural as if I were staring at a flower. There was a blue spot in front of the biggest part of the sun so that I only saw the sunrays. I stood there in a hypnotic state for a few minutes. Shook my head, batted my eyes, rubbed my eyes (thinking I had something in my eye) I know they say it's not good to look directly at the sun but I couldnt resist, I had to look at it. After about 15 minutes I yelled for my boyfriend...and this is how the conversation went:

~ Casey...come look out the window and look at the sun. Do you see a blue spot in front of it?
~ What do you mean? I can't look at the sun. Nobody can look at the sun. Are you high right now?
~ What if I told you I've been staring into the sun for 15 minutes and its in no way what-so-ever hurting my eyes...because theres a blue spot in front of it
~ What blue spot?? Why would you be doing that in the first place?
~ I dont know.... I looked out the window and the sun caught my eye. It took a while but I realized that I was staring directly into the sun. Comfortably....and theres a blue spot in front of the sun allowing me to stare directly at it
~ *walks away shaking his head
~  Wait a minute, do you see the blue spot or not? Because I'm telling you right now, that Im right here looking at the sun and there is a blue spot there protecting my eyes. I am looking directly at it...isn't this interesting? Don't you have any questions? Arent you in any way CURIOUS why I see a blue dot on the sun right now and you dont???
~ *crickets*
~ *continues to look out the window in awe....... until the sun goes down <3

It was literally covering the sun and It felt like my forehead was absorbing energy from the sunrays. Like I was getting filled with "power" or something.....I know, I know. But thats how it felt, that was my experience...and I swear I'm not smoking or drinking anything.
I'm not sure why this blue spot is there or how, I don't know if anyone else has experienced this or not. Certainly I'm not the only one....but it's a first for me. Gonna meditate on it...nite nite :)))

If this has happened to you, by all means, I'd love to hear from you....

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